Financial Transparency

Our mission is to support Valley View ISD and our community. One way we can achieve this is providing transparency through accounting, accounts payable, budget, business systems, cash management and payroll. Financial transparency is an ongoing goal for Valley View ISD.

Where Does Our Money Come From?



Local sources of revenue generated 18% of all sources of revenue and increased by 9% from the previous fiscal year due to an increase in appraised property value and tax collections. Local revenues include property taxes, earnings on investments, and fees; nearly all of local revenues come from the collection of property taxes –what you, as a citizen, pay for educating our students.



State sources of revenue that support the general fund are the most significant for the district, representing 66% of all available sources of funding. State revenues decreased by 6.4% from the previous fiscal year. The decrease is due to a portion of the Foundation School Program (FSP) revenue being funded through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency (ESSER) as part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Securities (CARES) Act.

Federal Capital


Revenues received from federal sources constitute 17% of total revenues; fiscal year 2021 federal revenues remained flat compared to fiscal year 2020.

Financial Resources